Tahlia is the new kid on the Commonfolk block.

Stepping into the huge shoes (quite literally, he’s like a size 14) Jordy has left, Tahlia is a legend in every sense of the word. We sat down with her to see what makes her tick ⏰

Name Tahlia

Nickname Tahls/ Pharlap/ Atticus/ Croquembouche/ Ghost

What’s your job at Commonfolk? I’m joining the partnerships team as sales manager. Basically I’ll be inviting more folks to join the folks!

If you were an animal? Probably a cat. Why? I won’t say. Such a cat response. 

So how did you find yourself in the coffee game? My dad used to buy old espresso machines and do them up. It started with domestic units and evolved to the stage that he has a commercial machine fully plumbed into his kitchen. He passed on his love for all things wine and coffee! Got my first hospo job (at Subway) and never looked back. I developed an interest in the sensory experience of drinking coffee, and loved experimenting with different brew methods and beans. 

Do you have an all time favourite coffee? No favourite bean or roast in particular - anything that makes a juicy cold brew. 

Fair enough. Your hospo pedigree extends beyond sandwich artist and brewing spros. Tell us a little bit about your other exploits. There’s definitely been a lot of cafes, tearooms, restaurants and events. I absolutely love baking and cooking in general. I’ve had lots of front of house and barista experience but I’ve always been more than happy to jump into the kitchen if the chef doesn’t rock up. I’m also very into wine – knowing how to taste it, how it’s produced, pretty much everything and anything fermented grape!

Normie or natty wines? Natty. You’ll fit in well! Washed or natty coffees? Natural. Gimme that funk.

Tell us about your studies. I completed a bachelor focused on hospitality and business management followed by a graduate diploma in food systems and gastronomy. It started with an essay on vampires and garlic and it ended with research into kitchen incubators (ask me later). 

Wow – bit going on there! You also lectured? Yep, I taught in the food studies bachelor, in particular the philosophical side of sensory experience, food history and impacts of colonisation on food cultures. 

What’s on hot rotation on Spotify? The Black Power Mixtape (watch the documentary too), anything funk or disco, and a disproportionate amount of musicals. Put on anything I can have a sing or daggy boogie too and I’m happy!

Anything else we should know about Tahlia Fitch? I Like to pick up crafty hobbies for a period of time and then ditch them.. It used to candle making in old wine bottles and now it’s cross stitching fruits and vegetables.

We’re sure you’ll see Tahlia around Commonfolk or hanging out with one of our legendary wholesale partners soon ☕️❤️ Be sure to say Hi!

Bec VandeHoef