Вільна Україна [Free Ukraine]

Hello my friend!!

My name is Joe, I am a local author from Frankston, a family man, and a self proclaimed coffee snob. I am also Ukrainian. The war in Ukraine interrupted our lives. Every day, my wife Olya and I are consumed by the news.
We feel family and friends bearing the brunt of Putin’s war in Ukraine - it is heartbreaking beyond belief.
And what makes it worse is just how much both Ukraine and Russia have in common through history, culture, customs and art.

Can you imagine United Kingdom starting to bomb our cities, taking Australia back by force, to change our laws and destroy our way of life, all in the name of shared heritage and the past?!
Russian language has always been alive in Ukraine and it’s never been a problem - until Putin.
He wants to divide people in order to gain more power - it is senseless, it hurts, and it must stop, ASAP.
So what can we do?

I believe it’s about making things personal.

Here is one thing that’s true for all people across Ukraine - COFFEE.
It’s what brings people together at the kitchen table to share, have fun and connect - so what could be better than having coffee to remind us of our humanity and the love and respect that we have for each other?

This is why I reached out to our favourite folkers to see what we can do together…

Of course the outcome of our conversations was a coffee. Not just any coffee… Вільна Україна or ‘Free Ukraine’ in English. Вільна Україна is about resistance, bravery, resilience and not giving up, even when the odds are stacked up against you. In this story, we share the world, united against aggression and hate to celebrate what makes us different, together. It’s yet another reminder that anger, discrimination and hate have no place in our world of today, and our freedom, personal freedom, is absolutely worth fighting for.

Know this: you are stronger and it is in times of crisis that we can be there for each other because it’s alone that we suffer, but together…

Together we hope!!

For the month of April [ and maybe beyond ] all of Commonfolk’s “cleanskin” coffee will be sold as Вільна Україна to raise money and support for the Ukrainian people. 

$5 from every purchase of Вільна Україна will go directly to the UNICEF Ukraine appeal.